Friday, July 3, 2009

Wicked was fun....

I stole the collage from Shawndel. Last night Shawndel, Lauren, Meagan, and I went to Gammage to see the Broadway play Wicked. It was such a great show. I loved it. I loved girls night out and I love spending time together.
I had afun. Looking over these pictures also made me realize a few things about myself. I need to regain control of my body. I need to be conscience of what goes into my mouth. This weight gain has got to stop today@!! TODAY is a new day. I deserve to be happy and healthy. I can have the self control to eat healthy and live a long life for my kids. So consider the pictures my "before" pictures. I will havd "after" pictures. Just give me some time my friends, I did not get this big overnight, so I cannot lose it overnight. Don't cha wish I could? That would be awessome. Go to bed fat and wake up skinny. That would be awesome. Oh well. Once I lose weight, I will not be so depressed. I mean for the most part I am not depressed, until I see pictures. Just kidding. I do have a good life. I have 2 AWESOME kids, a Husband that loves me, a good job. A house. I need to focus on the good things in my life.