Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I love to travel. I wish that I had the money and the means to travel abroad. I have been lucky to have some really good vacations in the past few years. I was sitting here tonight watching the movie Surf's Up with Ethan, and it got me thinking of Hawaii. In a week I am going to Vegas, and my kids are going to Michigan. Then a few weeks later we are all heading to San Diego. My kids have been to Disneyland quite a few times...but we have never been to Lego Land. We will be going w/ my Mother in Law in July. I can't wait. A new adventure. New memories. I posted a few pictures from our last trip to California. It was Drew, Shawndel, Cody and myself. It was nice.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fun times Friday!!

So Friday night started out with a nap. I was really tired and asked my kids to wake me up at 6:00, so I could get ready to go to my ward activity, which was game night. The ward divided us up to go to different hosts house. Well, first of all, I did not get up the 1st or even 2nd time Ethan woke me up. At 6:50 I was woken up again. I stumbled out the door. I ran to the local market and bought some snacks. I showed up at 7:04. Not too bad. (I looked a little haggardly, but at least I had food, and was not the last one there.) I had brought my cell phone and told Robb that I would be around the block and to call if he needed me. Well I am not one to have my phone bucked to me at all times, and I also have the ringer on vibrate 99% of the time. So as we were going around the room telling about ourselves, I think I see Robb's car pulling up....weird I thought..because it was game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Was the game over and was Robb coming over to join me? Yippee. He was let in the front door. I asked him if he was going to stay. He said No, that I had to leave immediately to take Drew to the Hospital. By the way if you do not know my Husband, he is very non chalant about a lot of things most people would be panicing over. I left and went home. Drew was crying when I got home. He had fallen off of his wagon in the back yard and hit his head on the patio. He had a gaping hole/cut on the back of his head. Yep, he would definately need stiches. So I took the advice of 2 neighbors and went to a little hospital that is a little farther away, but I heard that they were very quick. To say they are quick is an understatement. I parked, and walked in I was admitted, had a room, met my nurse, met my DR. in less than 10 minutes. The doctor said he will get him stapled up. Ummmm staples, ok. I trust the DR. I had 2 options, I could have the Doctor give him 2 shots to numb it, and then do the staples, or just do the staples anyways. Either way it will hurt him, either the shots, or the staples. So I said let's just skip the shots and do the staples. So I laid on top of Drew to hold him down. Before I knew it, the doctor said we were done. Drew was a trooper. He now has 4 staples in his head that I am expected to remove next Saturday at home. I was even given a handy dandy remover. Thanks Doc!!