Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fun times Friday!!

So Friday night started out with a nap. I was really tired and asked my kids to wake me up at 6:00, so I could get ready to go to my ward activity, which was game night. The ward divided us up to go to different hosts house. Well, first of all, I did not get up the 1st or even 2nd time Ethan woke me up. At 6:50 I was woken up again. I stumbled out the door. I ran to the local market and bought some snacks. I showed up at 7:04. Not too bad. (I looked a little haggardly, but at least I had food, and was not the last one there.) I had brought my cell phone and told Robb that I would be around the block and to call if he needed me. Well I am not one to have my phone bucked to me at all times, and I also have the ringer on vibrate 99% of the time. So as we were going around the room telling about ourselves, I think I see Robb's car pulling up....weird I thought..because it was game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Was the game over and was Robb coming over to join me? Yippee. He was let in the front door. I asked him if he was going to stay. He said No, that I had to leave immediately to take Drew to the Hospital. By the way if you do not know my Husband, he is very non chalant about a lot of things most people would be panicing over. I left and went home. Drew was crying when I got home. He had fallen off of his wagon in the back yard and hit his head on the patio. He had a gaping hole/cut on the back of his head. Yep, he would definately need stiches. So I took the advice of 2 neighbors and went to a little hospital that is a little farther away, but I heard that they were very quick. To say they are quick is an understatement. I parked, and walked in I was admitted, had a room, met my nurse, met my DR. in less than 10 minutes. The doctor said he will get him stapled up. Ummmm staples, ok. I trust the DR. I had 2 options, I could have the Doctor give him 2 shots to numb it, and then do the staples, or just do the staples anyways. Either way it will hurt him, either the shots, or the staples. So I said let's just skip the shots and do the staples. So I laid on top of Drew to hold him down. Before I knew it, the doctor said we were done. Drew was a trooper. He now has 4 staples in his head that I am expected to remove next Saturday at home. I was even given a handy dandy remover. Thanks Doc!!


korie said...

Wow poor guy! I don't think I could have handled any of that :( Good luck with removing the staples ouch!

@findingkansas said...

awww...poor guy..yes totally robb! LOL Glad it was quick and not so terrible!

Graves Family said...

that is awful!!! what a sweetheart, i want to give him a big hug right now but i know it's a little late.