Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wonderful time of the year

So...October starts a wonderful time of year. My birthday, Halloween, lots of fall festivals, Christmas, holiday parties, cold weather, 99.9 KEZ continuous Christmas music station, Thanksgiving...You get the idea. Its no wonder this is the most wonderful time of the year. This year is no exception. Things however, will be very different this holiday season. Every year since I can remember Robb goes home to Michigan to celebrate Thanksgiving. I usually go too. However, a few years ago when I changed positions at work I also lost my seniority to get the time off. So last year I was unable to go and this year is no different. So on Saturday Robb and the boys are taking their annual trip to Michigan. Robb's Mom always has a tree up and does "Christmas in November." It has turned into a great tradition for the kids, however, my family misses seeing them. I am lucky that my parents moved to AZ, because last year and this year I get to spend Thanksgiving with my parents, siblings, and nieces and nephews. (last year, no nieces were present, this year I get to spend it with three!) When the kids get home, I will have my tree up and ready to decorate! It is going to be different decorating a small apartment as opposed to my house, but it will be nice. Since moving in August I have not yet been to my new ward. Last night my visiting teachers came over and they actually made me excited to go to my new ward! That is great news for my parents. My oldest brother Ben who lives across the country in Boston will be here Friday, so that will be great seeing him. Okay, thats all for now! Bye....until next time!

1 comment:

korie said...

Thanks for the update!
Happy Thanksgiving!