Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Life is Good

I love that my Mom and Dad moved to AZ. We all get together once a month and have dinner. Sometimes it is a little chaotic...but then so is life. I love all my nephews, brothers and sisters, and sister in laws. We played Apples to Apples and I laughed harder then I have in a long time. Three weeks ago I started walking in the morning with my fabulous friend Rachel. It feels so good. We are jogging/walking. With my crazy schedule the time we go is at 4:45 am. Yes that is correct. I have commited to a healthier lifestyle, and as a result I CHOOSE to get up at 4:45. Yes it is brutal, but it feels so good. I am home by 5:30 by the time Robb goes to work. I have more energy and feel great. I also have been looking into getting a 2nd job to get outta debt and build up savings. I may have landed a job yesterday at Lane Bryant (will know by tomorrow) have an interview today at a steakhouse and an interview Thursday at Bath and Body Works. This will keep me busy, so I can do right things and feel more entergetic. It will make me appreciate the time spent with my Husband and kids. Lane Bryant said they would give me 10-15 hours a week, so it's nothing too crazy. Maybe 1 or 2 days a week. I really want the waitressing job. Can we say lose weight, big tips, have fun! I am looking forward to seeing my sister Melissa and Brother in law Rob in Nov when they come for Thanksgiving. I also love Shawndel and am so happy for her and her family that she has changed her life and came so far as a person. I am also thankful that my Disneyland loving Grandma and Grandpa finally after what seems like 30 years of having annual memberships FINALLY got to go to the exclusive Clubb 33 at Disneyland. For those of you that did not grow up learning all about Disneyland and it's history (thanks Grandma) Club 33 is an exclusive private dining expierence above the Blue Bayou in Disneyland. To see the excitement as my Grandma told me of her expierence was priceless. I can't wait for the day that I get to meet my sweet niece Lily Graves. (Ben's new baby). I love and adore looking at her pictures. November is a time to reflect on blessings and giving thanks. And I may have messed up the last year. But everyday is a new day. I can become the person I want to become...(as soon as I figure out who that is.) But for now I will keep being the best Jeaniece I know how to be. And continue working toward a happy healthier me.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Here are some photos from Halloween.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Friday

Today I am feeling so blessed. I have a great family, a great job, great kids, and great friends. I realize that I am not happy when I am doing things I should not be doing. It felt great playing volleyball with my ward last night and going to Enrichment. I feel refreshed and happy. A little optimistic. Just imagine if I always felt this way. : )

So fall tv has started...Let me first talk about The Biggest Loser. Last night I watched the first episode and cried. Now before you think I am a cry baby, let me tell you...There is a woman on the show who lost her 2 young children and husband 2 years ago in a car accident. I could not fathom losing my children. Or Robb. I could not imagine losing my family all at once. Coming home to an empty house with all the stuff. It boggled my mind. Moving on....
Survivor started last night...Because I was at church we have not watched it yet. But we will.
Sorry if this blog seems all over the place. I am at work and we keep getting slow and then busy. So my thoughts are scattered. All in all it is a good day. It is Friday I am off tomorrow. I have plans to clean and organize my house. That is all for now.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Korie this is for you...

I tried to read your blog, and I was sad..............whaaaa. I was crying. your blogs are the highlights of my day. Who is John? I am mad at him boooo,....help!!!!!!!


I have not posted a blog in a long time. It's funny how quickly life passes by. Robb's Grandfather passed away and he and Drew have been in Michigan all week. I miss my family. I appreciate things so much more when they are gone. Life is too short. I can't wait to have my son and my Husband back. I have appreciated the time that I have gotten to spend with Ethan. He is such a big kid. He is so mature, and such a good kid. This year he started taking advanced learning classes at school. So for math and english he is in a gifted program studying at a 5th grade level. I am so proud of him. And my little Drewbie is potty trained. Yeah!!! I am so happy. That is awesome. Today I talked to him, and he kept telling me he was playing with 'Uncle Bob". Well Robb does not have an uncle Bob, so I was kinda confused. When I asked Robb's Mom who Uncle Bob was--Uncle Bob is really Aunt Barb....lol. He is so cute. Drew just turned 3 and Ethan will be 9 next week. I love my boys so much. I need to do my best to be the best Mom and wife that I can be. I am thankful for my life. Every once in a while it is nice to stop and take time to smell the roses. My sister Melissa got married in July and iy was the best wedding ever! So beautiful and perfect all the way around fabulousness!! The beautiful bride wanted a picture with all her nephews, and this is the picture that she came up with.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Wicked was fun....

I stole the collage from Shawndel. Last night Shawndel, Lauren, Meagan, and I went to Gammage to see the Broadway play Wicked. It was such a great show. I loved it. I loved girls night out and I love spending time together.
I had afun. Looking over these pictures also made me realize a few things about myself. I need to regain control of my body. I need to be conscience of what goes into my mouth. This weight gain has got to stop today@!! TODAY is a new day. I deserve to be happy and healthy. I can have the self control to eat healthy and live a long life for my kids. So consider the pictures my "before" pictures. I will havd "after" pictures. Just give me some time my friends, I did not get this big overnight, so I cannot lose it overnight. Don't cha wish I could? That would be awessome. Go to bed fat and wake up skinny. That would be awesome. Oh well. Once I lose weight, I will not be so depressed. I mean for the most part I am not depressed, until I see pictures. Just kidding. I do have a good life. I have 2 AWESOME kids, a Husband that loves me, a good job. A house. I need to focus on the good things in my life.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I love to travel. I wish that I had the money and the means to travel abroad. I have been lucky to have some really good vacations in the past few years. I was sitting here tonight watching the movie Surf's Up with Ethan, and it got me thinking of Hawaii. In a week I am going to Vegas, and my kids are going to Michigan. Then a few weeks later we are all heading to San Diego. My kids have been to Disneyland quite a few times...but we have never been to Lego Land. We will be going w/ my Mother in Law in July. I can't wait. A new adventure. New memories. I posted a few pictures from our last trip to California. It was Drew, Shawndel, Cody and myself. It was nice.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fun times Friday!!

So Friday night started out with a nap. I was really tired and asked my kids to wake me up at 6:00, so I could get ready to go to my ward activity, which was game night. The ward divided us up to go to different hosts house. Well, first of all, I did not get up the 1st or even 2nd time Ethan woke me up. At 6:50 I was woken up again. I stumbled out the door. I ran to the local market and bought some snacks. I showed up at 7:04. Not too bad. (I looked a little haggardly, but at least I had food, and was not the last one there.) I had brought my cell phone and told Robb that I would be around the block and to call if he needed me. Well I am not one to have my phone bucked to me at all times, and I also have the ringer on vibrate 99% of the time. So as we were going around the room telling about ourselves, I think I see Robb's car pulling up....weird I thought..because it was game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Was the game over and was Robb coming over to join me? Yippee. He was let in the front door. I asked him if he was going to stay. He said No, that I had to leave immediately to take Drew to the Hospital. By the way if you do not know my Husband, he is very non chalant about a lot of things most people would be panicing over. I left and went home. Drew was crying when I got home. He had fallen off of his wagon in the back yard and hit his head on the patio. He had a gaping hole/cut on the back of his head. Yep, he would definately need stiches. So I took the advice of 2 neighbors and went to a little hospital that is a little farther away, but I heard that they were very quick. To say they are quick is an understatement. I parked, and walked in I was admitted, had a room, met my nurse, met my DR. in less than 10 minutes. The doctor said he will get him stapled up. Ummmm staples, ok. I trust the DR. I had 2 options, I could have the Doctor give him 2 shots to numb it, and then do the staples, or just do the staples anyways. Either way it will hurt him, either the shots, or the staples. So I said let's just skip the shots and do the staples. So I laid on top of Drew to hold him down. Before I knew it, the doctor said we were done. Drew was a trooper. He now has 4 staples in his head that I am expected to remove next Saturday at home. I was even given a handy dandy remover. Thanks Doc!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My beloved Grandpa

I wanted to post these pictures of My Grandpa Ferguson. These are from when I went to California last May.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ethan worked for a day!!!

It has been a while since I posted a Blog. Yesterday my work participated in "Bring your child to work day". Over the years working at Compass Bank I have not been able to participate due to Ethan not being old enough, and my department has always opted out of participating. Well, this year I got the go ahead to bring him. It was such a special day! Ethan and I had such a great time. He helped by tying names, and hitting my phone to answer calls as they came in. I got him involved in looking at our goals for the day. Ethan has been really moody and this really helped our relationship. I think it was awesome for us to have the one on one time. It was a very special day.

Also, my Mom and I had the oppertunity to take a wonderful vacation a few weeks ago and go to San Francisco. We had so much fun. It was a fabulous vacation! We did all the tourist things. Alcatraz, Haight Ashbury, Fishermans Warf, Pier 33, Lombard st, ect...We rode cable cars and trains. We also went to a Broadway production of Grease! Taylor Hicks from American Idol was Teen Angel. It was so cool. I am blessed to have a wonderful family!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Gibble the hamster died last night. He crawled under his little plastic thing, and went to sleep and never woke up. I am glad that Ethan had a chance to prepare himself for this last night. He handled the news very well today.

Last weekend I had the oppertunity to take a road trip w/ my friend Robin. We went to Disneyland w/ my Grandma and Grandpa. It was a nice time.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New Blog...

Ok...so I have not posted a blog in forever. Ethan has become a boy scout, and I am so happy for him. Today him and Robb started working on his pinewood derby car. It is so cute to see my Husbands excitement. I love that he is nostalgic about his scout days. We had his first Pack Meeting where Ethan got his Bobcat award. It was so cool..Robb held him upside down and I pinned his award on him. He cannot turn it right side up until he does an act of service. Tonight Ethan brought me his dwarf hamster and said he was sick. His eyes were closed, and he was twittering. Robb called Petsmart and was told their life expectency is 1-3 years. He is 1 year old. We also looked and his food is expired. So it's off to get new food tomorrow. Drew is getting so big. But he refuses to potty train. He is ready, but doesn't want to. He will tell me once he goes, but not before. Oh well...in due time. I got a calling at church. I teach the Sunbeams. I love it. They are so cute. So here's to hoping the hamster lives on....Until next time.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pay it Forward....

Wednesday, February 18

Paying It Forward
Win, Win, Win!!! I won and you can too! Pay it forward!The Rules...1. Be one of the first three bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which entitles you to a handmade item from me.2. Winners, you must post this challenge on your blog, meaning that you will Pay It Forward, creating a handmade gift for the first THREE bloggers who leave a comment on YOUR post about this giveaway.3. The gift that you send to your friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And, remember: It's the Spirit and the thought that counts!4. When you receive your gift, please feel free to blog about it, sharing appropriate Linky Love!If you are not one of the Top Three Commenters on this post, you can still play along. Please take the button and post it on your blog; start your own Pay It Forward chain, and encourage your blogging friends to do the same!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


It has been a while since I posted a Blog...I recently joined Facebook as most of you that read my blog already know because you are my friend there too. That has been loads of fun, seeing people from my past. Gotta love technology. There have been a lot of things going on lately. I feel that I am always on the go, and don't really have time to update this. I just wanted to say that I made a little book today that is named "Jeaniece's Life Help" It will help me with calories, a budget, my blessings. I can look at this book and record it like a journal. Plus, Shawndel got me a journal for my Birthday. It is time to bust that out and start writing in it again. Ok....well that is all I have for now. I will write more later when I am in a festive mood.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today I woke up at 6 am....and it is Saturday. What the heck is wrong w/ me? Oh well. So today is my 3 year anniversary. Three years of wedded bliss....lol. We were together 5 years prior to getting married. My beloved Husband got me a game I wanted...WII Fit. It is so much fun. Once it takes your weight and gives your your BMI it tells you where you rank. I love it that a video game tells me that I am obese. I get it...I have a few pounds to lose. I am trying. It also takes your MII (which is the charecter that I have created in my likemess) and makes her fat. Now that was funny. All in all I am very happy w/ the game. It is lots of fun. Well my Mom and Dad have been in AZ for a month, and it is finally my turn to have them stay w/ me. They have stayed w/ Abe, Ryan, and Shawndel. They will be here today.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

two shepherds

Ha ha 2 shepherds. They look soooooo happy, especially Drew. This was in preperation for when my family acted out the Nativity scene.

Us at the mall

Build a Bear....What Fun!!

Grandma wanted to buy her 6 grandsons Build a Bear for Christmas...What fun we had. It was great. Such a fabulous day w/ all the cousins. It will be great once Grandma and Grandpa move here to AZ.

Build a Bear....What Fun!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cuz you had a bad day.....

So I had to work today from 8-1, so that wasn't too bad...but when I got home my house was in disarray, kids were still in jammies, Drew was not napping, and I was tired. So after I got the kids and the Hubby ready to go to my Brothers house in Maricopa for my cute nephew Hudson's 2nd Birthday party. On the way there, my tire blew. So I pulled in the shoulder, and we proceeded to look all over my car for a stupid lug nut specific to my rims, and I could not find it at all. So after about an hour....we had a friend come pick up me and the kids, and take us to Discount tire to buy the piece we need, and then a tow truck came, and towed the car and Robb to Discount. We needed to get there by 5, and the tow truck pulled in the parking lot at 4:58. Today was the day of flat tires, because there was like 10 cars ahead of mine. I am so glad that did not do one of my resolutions, and cut up the credit card, because I am now out about $200 and I missed the wonderful party. Plus, at one frusterating point, I cried....and my wonderful Husband, and his friend did not "see it because I had on my sunglasses" That my make-up had ran down my face and I looked like a crazy raccoon lady waiting for my car. Nice. I did not plan on posting a blog on my lovely day, so unfortunately there are no flat tire pictures, or raccoon eyes. So sorry. But Not to dissapoint. I will post a picture or two....

Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday Night....

I just organized Drew's toys, and boy is he happy. He now has a place for everything. One resolution down...1223397386583758784758748767675969043764 to go. Just Kidding. yesterday Ethan and I made New Years resolutions. We got out poster board and markers, and wrote them out. I am so excited for 2009. Every year is great, but I am convinced 30 is going to be my best year yet...I have 10 months to become the wife and Mother that I want to be. I love my family, and am so blessed to have them. I am thankful that I have been blessed with two loving children, and a Husband that I have no doubt in my mind loves me. Today was a good day at work. I recently changed positions after 5 years in the same department, and it was tough for the first couple months. After knowing "everything" I now have to learn a lot. I am enjoying the challenges my job brings me. Wednesday I had a bad self image day...today was better. I felt good about myself, and my attitude was wonderful all day. I can just imagine if I felt good about my appearance all the time how I would feel. Well...that is all for now. Happy New Years!!